Amphitheater High School Class of 1964 - 50th Reunion
Amphitheater High School "a la 2014"
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Senior Class - or Class of Seniors?

Don't remember posters this good

"Carpe what?"

Did it look this inviting?
The classrooms are still the same size - there are just more goodies: all whiteboards instead of blackboards, electronic overhead projection to interactive whiteboards, posters not made of construction paper.... We did not see any teachers - but I heard some beeping coming from a closet. Robots perhaps?

The old gym is still looking good

Great remembrance

Still looking good! (but slower)

New Gym - BIGGER
One of the biggest differences (and I emphsize "BIG") was between the old and new gymnasiums. The old gym is still there and as we walked in, the roar of the crowd in the stands filled the space with cheers and shouts and bench thumping, pompoms waving and - whoa - are those cheerleaders doing a routine? I think the heat was getting to me. The new gym, however, was empty and quiet and It was BIG. The number of championship banners hanging from the rafters spoke for the team and student enthusiam that must exist.


Great artwork

And Still winning!

New track and field - hear the crowd cheer?

The new Field House - looks livable

And after a long day....

Olympic everything - Wow!

We had to run thru the sprinklers....
So our tour winds down as we walk past the Olympic pool faciltity - not just a pool, but a facility - on our way to the track and field area. A beautiful new football field and composite track with lanes and lines everywhere. Good thing that pool is nearby - it's hot out here. But wait. It's not over yet. There's one more stop.... We are going to the Dairy Queen - the one thing that has not changed. A quick little walk through the desert to grab a cone or shake? Nah - it's still there, but I think we'll have to drive over because the desert is gone! Enjoy!

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