Amphitheater High School Class of 1964 - 50th Reunion
Amphitheater High School "a la 2014"
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New Entrance to the School

A Gated Community

We called it "The Auditorium"

A lot more concrete and trees
I remember the entance as Yavapai Road which ran from Stone Ave to Oracle Rd. There was desert on the north side between Yavapai and Prince Road. For those who took Driver ED the best thing about Yavapai was the test of your stopping skills. The instructor put 22-calibar paint wad shells in special holders on the bumper. We drove down the road until the instructor yelled, "Stop!" We had to hit the brakes as hard as we could. The shells went off and marked the pavement when he yelled, and when we hit the brakes. We then measured how many feet we had travelled before we hit the brake and how far the car traveled after that. Needless to say the "pedestrian" was always a "goner" because we always underestimated how fast we were!

Looking to the West

Looking to the East

Looking to the North

Front Gate from Inside
Keep looking. The High School you went to is still there. The auditorium is in the same place, but is now referred to as the "Perfomiing Arts Center". Can't remember any of those specific trees, but maybe they were there. The concrete and brick-work are new. And where did that great breezeway come from? All I remember was the wind whistling through between the class rooms. This almost makes walking to the principal's office fun....


Library - That's a NEW Look

Panther Pride

Panther Mascots
This is a library? It looks like too much fun - lots of light, roomy, not so square and nobody told us to be quiet while we were visiting with each other. The new principal spoke to us about the school - he looked more like a student! The girls/ladies on the tour group loved the new hallways graphics. I'm sure that underneath that paint, somewhere, must be some 1960's graffiti by one of our own illustrious artists-in-training. Probably some initials penned inside a heart.... yours maybe?

The Cafeteria was never this quiet

Classroom wings - is that Grass?

Do I remember my combination?

We didn't get to paint on the walls!
Except for the cafeteria, reality crept back into our tour. The open-air walkways along the classrooms are the same. Well , there's more grass and a few more trees. And - lockers. They are the same lockers.... (soon to be replaced we were told.) The addition of artwork - graphics by design - instead of by whoever tried not to get caught writing on the walls - was a refreshing touch. I guess the little reminder of "No eating or drinking in hallsways" eliminates the excuse that "I didn't know that."

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